British Born American

British Born American
I can't wait to reach my dream...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Little More About Me

So, if you haven't already figured out, I'm a writer!
No, I'm not published. But I surely hope to be in the future. I've been writing all my life, but I just really got serious about it nearly three years ago. During that time, I was going through a "phase" you could call it. I was just leaving behind my girly girl stage and exploring the dark side of the world. I got into punk music and rock n roll, wearing clothes that scared my grandmother, and writing dark and twisted poetry.

Back then, my writing sucked majorly. Because I wasn't really looking for a message to get across, I didn't know how and I didn't know exactly what message I wanted to get across. I didn't have one. It was basically "How twisted and dark and suicidal can I sound this time?".
That was the question I always asked myself before I wrote. Every article had the same sound pretty much.

"The world sucks, I hate my life, I wish to die, I don't deserve love. I'm a worthless waste."

Yada, yada, yada.

But then the next year, when I was 15, I started making things more personal. And my writing actually became better. Of course at that time, I was in a better stage. I had the right friends and I was making better choices in my life. But there was still a factor,

And he had been the problem for the past year.

I ended up breaking ties with him after Christmas. And I haven't heard from him since. I do wish that I could've handled things better. We were both immature about it and stupid.

But I won't revel in the past.

I hope to travel abroad after I graduate high school this year. I really want to go England and live there for several years. I want the cottage in the Moors of England and live out a romance novel. Speckled teapots will complete the scene.

I can't wait for the future plans I have to present themselves. I hate waiting because I'm very impatient. But hopefully everything will work out in my favor.

*crossing fingers!*

xoxo- Wynter

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